The Shelley-Godwin Archive, one of MITH's longstanding projects, is pleased to share two important announcements:

The first is the publication of the Scrope Davies Notebook in the Archive. Mislaid and then forgotten from 1818 to 1976, this notebook that Percy Bysshe Shelley entrusted to Byron’s friend Scrope Davies was famously discovered in a trunk in the vaults of Barclay Bank at 1, Pall Mall East in London. It is currently held on loan at the British Library. The notebook contains two previously unknown sonnets by Shelley ("Upon the wandering winds” and “To Laughter”) and alternative versions of “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” and “Mont Blanc” (Scene—Pont Pellisier in the vale of Servox). Digital images of these poems with full transcriptions can be accessed independently or in the order of the notebook as a whole, and may be found here.

Second, we are very pleased to announce the award of a grant from Queen Mary University of London for digitizing the manuscripts of William Godwin’s two greatest works, An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Caleb Williams, held at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Overseen by renowned Godwin scholar Pamela Clemit, the project is a collaboration among QMUL, the V&A, and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH). We expect to make these manuscripts available on the Shelley-Godwin Archive by the end of September 2017. More details about this project can be found here.