
Summit Meeting for Planning a Coalition of Digital Humanities Centers

Funded by a grant from the NEH, the purpose of this meeting was respond to the ACLS Cyberinfrastructure Commission’s call for digital humanities centers to become key nodes of cyberinfrastructure in the United States. The summit was especially…

Multilingual Thesaurus for Medieval Studies

This was a project of Patricia Cossard, the first UMD Libraries Faculty Fellow, in Spring 2005. The goal was the creation of a Medieval Studies electronic resource in a thesaurus structure, plus a structure for classifying historical persons and…
Romantic Circles
Romantic Circles is a refereed scholarly website devoted to the study of Romantic-period literature and culture. It is the collaborative product of an ever-expanding community of editors, contributors, and users around the world, overseen by a…

University Slots, Maryland Day 2004

"Education costs, but education pays!" Featured at MITH on Maryland Day 2004, this application featured MITH's projects as items on a slot machine, giving everyone the chance to try their luck at the costs and payoffs of education.

Research for 'Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination'

MITH Associate Director Matthew Kirschenbaum completed a Fellowship project in 2004-05, which consisted of research toward the completion of his first book, Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination. Mechanisms _was published by the MIT…

Just a Click Away From Home

Silvia Mejia was a Clara and Robert Vambery Distinguished Graduate Fellow and MITH Graduate Fellow during academic years 2004-05 and 2005-06. Working from within the Comparative Literature program with John Fuegi, and with MITH Director Martha Nell…

Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Slam

On April 24, 2004, the University of Maryland held its annual open house for the state’s citizens, Maryland Day, and the David C. Driskell Center and MITH co-produced the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Slam, an event designed to bring high school students…

'Mined to Death' Documentary Film

The documentary was a project of 2003-04 MITH Fellow Regina Harrison. It depicts miners in Potosi, Bolivia, who extract silver, zinc, and lead from the mountain in the same precarious conditions as their ancestors did five centuries ago. Tourist…

Occupied Japan 1945-1952: Gender, Class, Race

This site was constructed with the goal of incorporating Japanese women into the history of the Occupation period, 1945-1952, immediately following Japan's defeat in World War II. It looks at a broad range of activities and draws upon a wide variety…

Business Russian Case Studies

This web-based language learning project is alternately referred to as Development of Russian Language Modules to Support Differentiated Learning and Generate Empirical Data on Student Performance. It was developed by 2001 MITH Faculty Fellow…

DISC: A Disabilities Studies Academic Community

The DISC website was a MITH Fellowship project of Rosemarie Garland-Thomson. Rosemarie is a renowned scholar in what is now a very established Disability Studies field, and the DISC project was an outgrowth of her very early work starting in the mid…
Early Americas Digital Archive
The Early Americas Digital Archive (EADA) is a collection of electronic texts and links to texts originally written in or about the Americas from 1492 to approximately 1820. Open to the public for research and teaching purposes, EADA was published…
The Versioning Machine
The Versioning Machine was a display environment designed specifically for displaying and comparing deeply-encoded, multiple versions of texts, including a robust typology of notes and bibliographic information. It also displayed manuscript images of…
Irish Resources in the Humanities
Irish Resources in the Humanities was developed in 1999 by Dr. Susan Schreibman as a Gateway to sites on the World Wide Web that contain substantial content in the various disciplines of the humanities in the area of Irish Studies. As a rule…
These two MITH-sponsored events were held in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of America’s great literary forces, the poet Langston Hughes. The first event, held on February 9, 2002 at Clarice Smith Center for Performing Arts…
Narratives That Heal
Also referred to as Narratives of Creativity: Creating New Sites for Personal and Cross-Cultural Exploration, this was a 2002 Faculty Fellowship project of Professor Carolina Robertson from the Ethnomusicology Department. Based on the core premise…

LGBT Studies Program

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Certificate Program was approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission and endorsed by the University's Board of Regents in Spring 2002. That milestone is merely the latest evidence of the…
Steinschneider Bibliographic Database
The Steinschneider Bibliographic Database is a digitized relational database for the study of pre-modern Jewish philosophy, science, and belles-lettres, based on the standard reference-work, Die Hebraeischen Ubersetzungen des Mittelalters und dir…
Virtual Lightbox
The Virtual Lightbox is a software tool for comparing images online. It exists in two versions, an application and an applet (both programmed in Java). The applet version, which is newly developed, furnishes what we believe to be an extremely…


In Fall 2000, the University of Maryland School of Music voted unanimously to begin offering its Masters of Ethnomusicology program in a combined residential/online program with the goal of targeting students in Latin America and Spain through…
Women's Studies Database
The University of Maryland Women’s Studies Database, begun in September 1992, serves those people interested in the women’s studies profession and in general women’s issues. Designed in collaboration with researchers, program administrators and…
The Portinari Project
The Portinari Project was one of the initial MITH Networked Associate Fellowship projects. MITH worked with João Candido Portinari, son of the late painter Candido Portinari, on a digital resource to make his work and legacy available broadly on the…
The Thomas MacGreevy Archive
The Thomas MacGreevy Archive is a long-term, interdisciplinary research project that explores the life, writings, and relationships of the Irish poet and critic, Thomas MacGreevy (1893-1967). The project is committed to investigating the…
Emily Dickinson
Also called Performative Experiments in Humanities Computing: Interactive Templates for Intuitive Learning and Research, Emily Dickinson: Technology and Mythobiography was a 2001 Faculty Fellowship project of Professor Carol Burbank from the…
Flare Productions
Flare Productions is a not-for-profit filmmaking organization founded to produce artistic, deeply-researched, lively and engaging films which can be viewed with enjoyment both by people who already know a great deal about a subject, and those who are…
The Barnwell/Robinson Family Archives
This was the MITH Networked Associate Fellowship project of Ysaye Maria Barnwell, a renowned musician, composer, actress teacher and choral clinician in African American cultural performance. Barnwell’s project aimed to produce a multimedia digital…

Digital Directions

Over three consecutive summers between 2001 and 2003, MITH worked with the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Maryland to organize Digital Directions, three separate one-week, intensive seminar for high school students to explore the…